Terms of Service

Last Update: November 25th, 2021.

1. Welcome to My-Link.

Welcome to My-Link, an app that provides the User with a wide range of functions which allow him to interact with the community, offer different services of his companies or businesses, get to meet other users and to enjoy a completely new experience for the exchange of information.

These terms of service regulate the relation and work as an agreement between you and My-Link Corporation S.A. de C.V., and they establish the terms and conditions through which you can access and use the platform, services, apps, products, and related contents (collectively, the “Services”).

All these services including updates, upgrades, characteristics and/or incorporation of any new property inside the application are subject to these Terms of Service, Data and Privacy Policy, and Payment Policy.

By the use of My-Link, the User agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions of this document. The right to use My-Link and all its range of products is personal and it cannot be transferred to any other person or entity. The user is responsible for the complete usage of his personal account (Personal VIP or Personal Pro), under any screen name or password, Business Account, Business Plus, Business VIP, etc. created by the user and he must assure that all its use and operativity entirely comply with the dispositions of this Agreement. The User is responsible for protecting the confidentiality of his passwords.

As the functions advance and more My-Link products are launched, these usage policies will update.

The Terms of Service, Data and Privacy Policy and Payment Policy are part of a legal agreement between us and you. Please take the necessary time to read them attentively.

2. Accept the Terms and Policies.

By accessing or using our Services, you agree to be part of a binding contract with My-Link, you agree to these Terms and agree to comply with them. The access and use of our Services are also subject to our Data and Privacy Policy and Payment Policy.

If you access or use the Services inside a jurisdiction for which complementary terms exist separately, you also accept the applicable legislation and legal ordinances that serve for the analysis and study of the present terms.

If you do not accept these Terms, you cannot access nor use our Services.

If you access or use the Services in the name of a company or an entity, you therefore declare and guarantee that you are an authorized representative of the company or entity with authority to associate the entity to these Terms, and you agree to the Terms in name of the entity, to the company or entity being legal and financially responsible of the access and use of the Services, as well as the use of the Account from other people linked to the entity, including employees, agents or contractors.

The Terms are accepted by the User when accessing or using our Services. We will interpret the access or use of the Services as the total agreement to the Terms and Policies as of that moment.

3. Your Account with us.

To access or use some of our Services, you must create a Personal Account with us. By creating this account, you must provide precise and updated information. It is important to maintain and update early the data or any other information you provide to us, in order to maintain that information updated and complete, for the right use and functioning of the platform.

Additionally, you can request that your Personal Account be converted into a Pro or Personal VIP Account, you will also be able to create Business, Business Plus, Business VIP and Private Mode Accounts, collectively referred to as your "Account".

It is essential to maintain your Personal Account password confidential, as well as the Private Mode passwords, and that you do not share it with any third party.

You agree to notify immediately about any unauthorized use of your Account or any other danger against safety. My-Link will not be responsible for any loss that the user might fall into as a result that another person uses his account or password, with or without consent. However, the user might be responsible for any loss that My-Link falls into or another party due to another person using the account or the user password.

The User cannot use the Account of another person at any moment without the permission of the Account owner.

If you know or suspect that a third party knows your password or has accessed to your account, you must notify us immediately to help@my-link.com.

To guarantee our community protection and the Services we offer, we reserve the right to suspend the access or disable your User Account at any moment, if we determine that you infringe our Terms or Policies; or if under our reasonable opinion, you have not fulfilled with some of our dispositions, or if activities in your Account are produced, that at our sole discretion, infringe or violate third parties rights or violate law or applicable regulations.

We can also suspend or disable your Account if you generate risk or legal exposition regarding us, or if the law demands it.

In all these cases, it is possible that we notify through the Platform or any of our established channels, if any of these actions have been taken and why, and if you wish, you could ask for a revision or make a clarification, to conciliate the activation or access to your Account.

If you no longer want to use our Services and you want your account to be deleted, we can be in charge of it. Contact us through help@my-link.com, and we will assist you with more help through the process. Take into account that once you choose to delete the account, you cannot reactivate it or recover any content or information that you uploaded to the account.

4. Reserved Accounts.

In My-link we recognize the trajectory of public figures, personalities, celebrities, and official and commercial brands of prestige, and therefore we have tried to protect the Username and Linkname with which they are mostly identified. For this reason, some of these user names are reserved and only those to whom they belong, may obtain them, having to prove their identity through our established channels.

There is a possibility that we have to change your User Name under determined circumstances, if another person or entity demands it, and it does not seem to have a relation with you or with your daily activities, mostly in cases that it is about public characters or relevant commercial brands.

4.1. Pro and VIP Accounts.

If you are a public person, celebrity, or recognized brand, your Account will be able to access one of the following categories:

  • Personal Pro
  • Personal Pro
  • Business VIP

In order to obtain this status, you must comply with the request in the corresponding section of the application or on our website.

The answer will be determined and sent by the My-Link VIP Committee, to the email you provide us, or to your Account notifications.

It is important that you consider that applying and making a payment does not guarantee that you will be granted any of these categories.

5. Platform service restrictions.

5.1. Are there rules for the use of our service?

In My-Link, as in other communities, there are rules for the healthy coexistence of users with a comfortable and safe environment, in a framework of freedom of expression, under a correct coexistence within the platform, so by accepting these terms and conditions you agree to follow the following rules for the use of the platform:

  • Use in our application and the products we offer, the same name you use in your daily life, as well as provide clear, effective, truthful and updated information about you and the businesses or companies you link to My-Link Services.

  • Always protect your passwords; do not share your passwords or give other people access to your My-Link Account, nor transfer your Account to another User. My-Link is not responsible for any misuse that may occur if your account or passwords get into the wrong hands.

  • Create only one Personal Profile Account and as many Business, Business Plus or Private Mode Accounts as you need, always making sure that you share accurate information.

  • To create a Private Mode Account, you must be at least 18 years old.

Your access to and use of the Services is subject to these Terms and all laws in effect on the date of your acceptance of these terms, and you agree not to engage in the conduct described below, or to promote or support others in such conduct:

  • Making unauthorized copies, modify, adapt, translate, apply inverse engineering, disassembly, decompile or create derived works based on the Services, including the files, charts or documentation (or any part of the same ones) or determine or try to determine any source code, algorithm, method or techniques incorporated in the Platform or any derived creation of the same; in a manner that does not contravene applicable law;

  • Distribute, license, transfer or sell, in its totality or partly, any of the Services or any creation derived of the same ones;

  • Commercialize, rent or lease the Services for a rate or charge or using the Platform to announce or make any commercial request without the previous hiring of the service; it is not allowed to use the Services, without our express consent or that has not been hired through the Platform or our website, for any commercial or unauthorized purpose, including the communication or facilitation of any commercial advertisement or request or spam;

  • Interfere or try to interfere with the proper functioning of the Services, interrupting our web site or any network connected to the Services or elude any measure that we can use to prevent or restrict the access to the Services;

  • Incorporate to the platform or any part of the same one any other program or product. Given the case, we reserve the right to reject the service, cancel accounts or limit the access to the Services to our exclusive criteria;

  • Use automated scripts generally known as “bots”, or any other automated or malicious tool to gather information of the Services or interact in any other way with them;

  • Substitute any person or entity, falsely declare or misrepresent his identity or that of his affiliation with any person or entity, including the impression of any content that you upload, post, transmit, distribute or give to disposition comes from the Services;

  • Promote material for purposes of violence or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or age;

  • Use or attempt to use another person's Account, service or system without My-Link's authorization, or create a false identity on the Platform, generally known as a "troll," for the purpose of misleading others.

  • Collect in any way that is unlawful or not permitted by the Platform, information about other users.

  • Use the Services in a manner that may create a conflict of interest or undermine the purposes of the Services, such as exchanging opinions with other users or writing or soliciting written reviews;

  • Limit or inhibit another User from using and enjoying the Services.

Nor shall you use the Services to upload, transmit, distribute, keep or make available in any other way:

  • Files that contain virus, trojans, worms, logic bombs or any other malicious and technologically damaging material; or carry out activities that may disable, overload or alter the proper functioning of My-Link or modify its appearance.

  • Any unrequested or unauthorized publicity, requests, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chains, pyramid schemes or any other prohibited form of request;

  • Any private information of a third party, including addresses, telephone numbers, e-mails, numbers and characteristics in the personal identity document (for example, social security numbers, passport numbers, among others) or credit card numbers; without the express authorization of such person;

  • Any material that contains images, photographs, videos, software or other, that infringes or may infringe any copyright, registered trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property, exclusive or privacy rights of any other person; unless the User owns or controls these rights or has been granted the necessary consent to do so.

  • Any material to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or in any way violate the legal rights of others, including the rights to privacy and publicity.

  • Any material that is vulgar, obscene, offensive, pornographic, sexually explicit or provocative;

  • Any material that constitutes, motivates or provides instructions to a criminal offense, dangerous activities or self-inflicted damage;

  • Any material that is deliberately designed to provoke or antagonize people, especially acting as a “troll” or intimidating, or that it has the intention of harassing, damaging, hurting, scaring, anguish, embarrass or bother people;

  • Any material that contains a threat of any kind, including threats of physical violence;

  • Any material that is racist or discriminatory, including discrimination based on race, religion, age, sex, disability or sexuality;

  • Any answer, comment, opinion, analysis or recommendation that does not have the proper license or that is qualified to provide;

  • Material that, at exclusive judgement of My-Link, is unacceptable or that restricts or inhibits any other person to use the Services or that it might expose My-Link, the Services or other users to any damage or responsibility of any kind;

Incurring in any of the aforementioned behaviors will be grounds for suspension of the account after analysis of the My-Link Ethics Council (composed of managers and partners of the platform) or at its discretion and without notice, and if necessary, legal action will be taken by the legal department of My-Link.

Where there is a legal dispute or claim by a third party arising from a breach of the rules set out for the use of My-Link you will be liable to indemnify My-Link, our related corporate bodies and our directors and employees, as well as any affected users, whether or not you or any person using your password or ID, whether or not you have authorized that person to use your password or ID.

5.2. Who cannot use My-Link?

For reasons of security and protection of our users, the following persons may not use our application and its products:

  • Persons under 15 years of age.

  • People convicted of any kind of crimes considered serious, such as criminal, sexual or any that could alter the proper interaction between users of the platform.

  • Persons who have had an Account previously disabled for having violated our conditions or policies.

  • People who by the existence of a law are restricted in the use of telecommunications, or because of a court judgment are prohibited from accessing our application, products, services or software.

  • In the case of people who use the platform on any Apple device, the user guarantees that:

    1. You are not in a country that is subject to an embargo by the government of the United States of America, or that has been designated by the government of the United States of America as a “terrorist supporting” country; and

    2. He/She is not on any list of prohibited or restricted parties of the government of the United States of America.

6. Links to External Sites or Applications.

My-Link accesses the use of data from social networks, such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Snapchat. My-Link is not responsible for the content of any of the linked sites or any updates or changes to external sites or platforms.

My-Link is not responsible for system failures of external applications and disclaims any liability for any adverse effects suffered by other applications that link to our Platform. My-Link is a distributor (and not a publisher) of the content provided by third parties and Users, consequently, My-Link does not have a major editing control over it.

7. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights.

In My-Link we respect the rights of intellectual property and we ask you to do the same. That is why, in order to access and use our platform and services, you agree not to infringe any intellectual or industrial property rights.

My-Link contains copyrighted material, registered trademarks and other exclusive proprietary information, including, but not limited to, text, software, photos, videos, graphics, music and sound, and all content on My-Link are copyrighted as a collective work in accordance with the laws on the selection, coordination, arrangement and enhancement of such contents, as well as on the content originally owned.

My-Link logos, designs, distinctive signs, visualizations, elements and vectors within the application are registered trademarks. All rights are reserved and protected under copyright and intellectual property protection laws.

The User is not allowed to modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sell, create derivative works of exploit in any way the content of My-Link, either in whole or in part. We reserve all rights to the content protected by intellectual or industrial property rights (owned by us) that we make available on our application and its products, (such as images, designs, videos or sound that we offer and that you add to the content you create or share on My-Link).

You will retain all intellectual or industrial property rights relating to your content. You may only use our copyrighted content, or our trademarks or the like, with our written consent, signed by the officers of My-Link.

You must obtain our written permission or have written permission under an open-source license to modify, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract our source code or create derivative works from it.

No copying, redistribution, retransmission, publication or commercial exploitation of downloaded material will be permitted without the explicit permission of My-Link and the copyright owner.

In the event that copying, redistribution or publication of the copyrighted material is permitted in any way, no changes or deletions may be made to the author attribution, trademark or copyright legend. You agree and understand that by downloading copyrighted material contained on the Platform you do not acquire ownership of or rights to the copyrighted material.

We reserve the right, with or without notice, at any time and at our sole discretion, to block access to and/or terminate the content or Accounts of any User that infringes or is alleged to infringe copyright or other intellectual property rights.

To contribute to the proper functioning of the community, we ask you to report any content or behavior that you consider infringes your rights (including intellectual or industrial property rights) or our Terms and Policies, to the following email address: help@my-link.com.

7.1. My-Link Content.

On My-Link all content, software, images, text, graphics, illustrations, logos, patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, photographs, audio, videos, music and the "look and feel" of the Services and all related intellectual property rights are owned or licensed by My-Link Corporation S.A. de C.V. You solely own any User Content that you lawfully upload and use through the Services. Use of My-Link Content or materials on the Services for any purpose not expressly permitted by these Terms is strictly prohibited. Such content may not be downloaded, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, sold, licensed or otherwise exploited without our prior consent.

You acknowledge and agree that we may generate revenue, increase goodwill or enhance our value from your use of the Services, including, by way of example and without limitation, the sale of advertising, sponsorships, promotions, and unless specifically authorized by us in these Terms or in another agreement you enter into with us, you will not be entitled to share in any such revenue, goodwill or value.

You further acknowledge that, except as specifically permitted by us in these Terms, you are not entitled to receive any revenue or other consideration from any Content created by you and are prohibited from exercising any right to monetize or obtain remuneration from any User Content within the Services or any third-party services.

Subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms, you are granted use of our platform and services, limited by regulations that are developed throughout this document.

My-Link reserves all rights not expressly granted here relating to the Services and My-Link Content. You acknowledge and agree that My-Link may suspend your use of its services at any time for any reason or no reason.

You acknowledge and agree that when you view content provided by other users through the Services, you do so at your own risk and responsibility. My-Link is not responsible for the misuse of content posted on its platform.

The content of our Services is provided for general information only. It is not intended as advice on which you should rely, My-Link recommends that you seek professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from taking, any action on the basis of the content of our Services.

We make no representations or warranties, express or implied, that any My-Link Content (including User Content) is accurate, complete or up-to-date. Some of the Services we offer make use of links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only.

We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources. These links should not be construed as an endorsement by us of those linked websites and other social media platforms or information you may obtain from them. You acknowledge and agree that we have no obligation to pre-screen, monitor, review or edit any content posted by you or other users on the Platform or the Platforms of the other applications.

7.2. User-generated content.

Users of the Services may be permitted to upload, post, transmit, or otherwise make available content through the Services, including, without limitation, any text, augmented reality models, photographs, videos, and personal information, in a manner that does not violate the platform's service restrictions and those specific to the use of My-Link.

Any User Content that you post, without doing so confidentially or directly and privately to the people or businesses with whom you decide to share, is considered public, therefore you must not post any User Content on or through the Services or transmit to us any User Content that you consider confidential or proprietary.

When you submit User Content through the My-Link Services, you agree and represent that you possess the necessary rights to make the posting of such content, or have received all necessary permissions or authorizations, or have been authorized by the owner of any part of the content to submit it to the Services, to transmit it from the Services to other third party platforms and/or to adopt any third party content.

The User shall not upload, post or otherwise make available within My-Link any material protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the permission of the owner of the copyright, trademark or other proprietary right; and the obligation to determine whether such material is not protected by copyright rests with the User.

The User shall be solely liable for any damages resulting from any infringement of copyright, proprietary rights or any other harm resulting from the User's actions within the Platform.

By submitting material or content, for any My-Link public space, the User automatically represents and warrants that the owner of such material has expressly and without vitiating consent granted a royalty-free, permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate and distribute such material (in whole or in part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works of theirs in any form, media or technology now existing or hereafter developed, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate and distribute such material (in whole or in part) worldwide and/or incorporate it in other of its works in any form, media or technology now existing or hereafter developed, for the full term of any copyright that such material may have in the name of My-Link.

The User also allows another User to access, view, save or reproduce the material that he/she makes public, or publishes directly and privately, for the personal use of said User.

By accepting these Terms, the User grants My-Link the right to edit, copy, publish and distribute any material or content made available on My-Link by the User.

My-Link is not responsible or liable to third parties for content submitted by users and published by us or authorized third parties.

If you wish to file a complaint about information and materials added by other users, you can report it through the application or contact us via email: help@my-link.com.

8. Indemnification.

You accept the responsibility to indemnify and hold My-Link harmless for the losses and damages suffered from the breach of your obligations or activities to the detriment of the platform, even if not provided for in this document, as well as expenses and costs generated by legal proceedings from the filing of the lawsuit until it is possible the execution of the judgment, as well as the fees of the legal advisory group that My-Link hires for the respective matter.

The indemnity is extensive to directors, partners and employees in the moral damage that is generated in their persons, derived from the affectation suffered by My-Link.

9. Exclusion of Guarantees.

My-Link's services are provided only as described in our terms and there is no guarantee that:

  • Your use of the Services will necessarily meet your expectations or needs;

  • Your use of the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free;

  • Any information obtained by you as a result of your use of the Services will be accurate or reliable;

  • Defects in the operation or functionality of any software provided as part of the Services will be corrected;

  • That the performance of the platform will be optimal on all equipment with which it is used, as well as with different networks or telephone companies;

  • That My-Link operates in a manner different from that described or for a purpose other than that stated.

In the event of any of the situations described above My-Link is not obliged to provide any compensation to the User.

No conditions, warranties or other terms (including any implied terms of satisfactory quality or conformance with description) apply to the Services, except to the extent expressly set out in the Terms. We may change, suspend, withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of our platform for business and operational reasons at any time without notice.

We value your feedback and any other suggestions and input on our Services, however, please be advised that we may use them without restriction or obligation to provide compensation to you, and we are under no obligation to treat them as confidential.

10. Limitation of Liability.

At My-Link we want to provide you with the best possible products and establish clear rules for everyone who uses them. However, our application, its Services and products are provided with the relevant technical considerations, so we cannot guarantee that they will always be secure, or that they will never suffer from errors, or that they will function without interruptions, delays or imperfections.

In accordance with applicable law, we disclaim all liability, whether express or implied. We have no control or influence over what people do or say.

Likewise, we are not responsible for their behavior or actions, whether on or off the Internet, nor for the content they share in this and other spaces, including that which may be offensive, inappropriate, obscene, illegal or questionable; although we will always try to take the necessary measures to prevent it.

My-Link is not responsible or liable regardless of the cause or duration, for any error, inaccuracy, omission or other defect or lack of authenticity of the information contained or for any delay or interruption in the transmission thereof to the User, or for any claim or loss arising therefrom.

My-Link shall not be liable for any lost profits or punitive or consequential damages.

We disclaim all liability for:

  1. Any loss of profits;

  2. Any loss of prestige or moral damage;

  3. Any commercial loss understood as commercial relations, commercial contracts etc;

  4. Any loss of opportunity;

  5. Any loss of data suffered;

  6. Any business interruption; or

  7. Any indirect or consequential loss that may be incurred.

Any loss or claim for indemnification is limited to the amount paid by you to My-Link for payment for its services, provided that the resolution of any claim submitted is proper and in accordance with these Terms.

We will also not be liable for any loss or damage you may suffer as a result of:

  • Any reliance placed by you on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising or as a result of any relationship or transaction between you and any advertiser or sponsor whose advertising appears on the Services;

  • Any changes we may make to the Services or permanent or temporary interruption in the provision of the Services (or any features pertaining thereto);

  • The deletion, corruption or failure to store any content and other communication data maintained or transmitted by or through your use of the Services;

  • The failure to provide us with accurate Account information; or

  • The failure to keep your password or Account details secure and confidential.

My-Link does not promote or support the use of its Platform while performing activities that demand the full attention of the user such as: driving a vehicle or walking between streets and avenues so My-Link is not responsible for accidents, losses, injuries or any other kind of claims caused by the use of our service. Likewise, we are not responsible for the excessive use of Smartphones or behavioral disorders that may cause the user.

You are responsible for any wireless charges that may result from your use of our Services, including text messaging and wireless data. If you are unsure what those specific charges may be, you should check with your carrier before using the Services.

You are responsible for any mobile phone charges that may arise from your use of our Services, including text messages and mobile data. If you are not sure what those specific charges may be, you should check with your phone provider before using the Services. In addition, by using My-Link you guarantee to comply with the terms of the agreement of your telephone or mobile data provider and not to be in violation of your service contract.

In any dispute of legal origin that you have with a third party arising from the use of our services will be limited in liability to you and such third party, so that you release My-Link, partners, officers and employees from all liability to third parties in acts of claims and demands of any kind and of any nature, arising in connection with your dispute with a third party. The above following the legislation applicable to the particular case.

11. Legal Considerations.

  • These Terms of Service, the Data and Privacy Policy and the Payment Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and My-Link, regarding the use of our Services and Products. However, this does not limit that in the future there may be a need for you to accept an agreement specifying a contractual relationship for our services in order to make use of our services.

  • These Terms and Policies, their subject matter and their formation, are governed by the laws of the United Mexican States, subject only to the mandatory provisions of consumer law in the country in which you reside.

  • Our failure to insist upon or enforce any provision of these Terms and Policies shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right.

  • We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you.

  • You represent that all linked payment accounts and payment methods you use within the application are from lawfully obtained resources.

  • By agreeing to these Terms, you also agree to My-Link's Data and Privacy Policy and Payment Policy.

11.1. Jurisdiction and Competence.

If you are a consumer, the laws of the country where you reside will apply to any claim, cause or dispute you bring against us arising out of or in connection with these Terms or the My-Link Services and Products. By accepting these terms and conditions you expressly waive the jurisdiction that may correspond to you by reason of territory and agree that if there is a legal dispute you submit to the arbitration and judgment of the courts of the United Mexican States.

My-Link always wants to listen to you, that is why in case you think of initiating a legal dispute against My-Link before we suggest you contact us, and our legal advisors will give you the necessary attention to resolve any conflict.

If any court having jurisdiction to decide the matter determines that any provision of these Terms is invalid, that provision will be eliminated without affecting the remainder of the Terms and the remaining provisions will continue to be valid and enforceable.

11.2. Transfer of rights.

The rights and obligations agreed in these terms are non-transferable, so that only the User to whom the account belongs may make use of our services and will be obliged to comply with the regulations developed in this document, likewise there is no pooling or solidarity of obligations, unless otherwise agreed with My-Link.

11.3. Interpretation.

You agree that, in the event of a dispute regarding the interpretation of the Terms and Conditions, they will be understood in the manner most beneficial to My-Link and subject to the laws of the United Mexican States.

11.4. Translation.

These terms and conditions were originally drafted in Spanish of the United Mexican States; therefore, the translations will be based on the original Spanish document.

11.5. Lack of consent.

You declare that you voluntarily and freely accept the totality of these terms and your consent is not affected by error, fraud, injury, bad faith or violence. You also declare that you have read and fully understood the Terms and Policies.

12. Changes to Terms and Policies.

We will generally notify all users of any material changes to these Terms and Policies through a notice provided through the Platform or our website. However, you should check this policy regularly for changes. Notices will be deemed read and accepted by the user 24 hours after posting.

We modify these Terms from time to time, for example, when we update the functionality of our Services, when we combine multiple applications into a single combined service or application, or when regulatory changes occur. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify all users of any material changes to these Terms.

We will also update the "Last Updated" date at the top of these Terms, which reflects the effective date of these Terms. If you continue to use our Platform after the date of the updated Terms and Policies, you automatically agree to accept the updated Terms and Policies. If you do not agree to the updated Terms, you should stop accessing or using our Services.

13. Complementary Terms regarding Application Stores and other Platforms or Social Networks.

To the extent permitted by the law in force on the date of acceptance of the terms, the following supplementary terms shall apply:

13.1. Notice about Apple.

By accessing the Platform through a device manufactured by Apple, Inc. ("Apple"), you specifically acknowledge and agree that:

  • These terms are between you and My-Link; Apple is not a party to these Terms.

  • The use that is given to you by My-Link is personal, limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable to install the platform, on the Apple devices authorized by Apple that you own or control for personal use, not commercial, subject to the Rules of Use established in the Terms of Services of the Apple App Store, except that any of your associated accounts can access and use My-Link through Family Sharing or volume purchases

  • The use given to you by My-Link is personal, limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable to install the Platform, on Apple authorized Apple device(s) that you own or control for personal, non-commercial use, subject to the Usage Rules set forth in the Apple App Store Terms of Service.

  • Apple is not responsible for the Platform or the content on the Platform and has no obligation to provide any maintenance or support services with respect to the Platform.

  • In the event that the Platform fails to conform to the applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price of the Platform, if any. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no further warranty obligations with respect to the Platform.

  • Apple is not liable for your or any third party's claims relating to the Platform or your possession or use of the Platform, including, without limitation:

    1. Product liability claims;

    2. Any claims with respect to the Platform not complying with applicable legal or regulatory requirements, and claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.

  • In the event that a third-party claims that the Platform or your possession and use of the Platform infringes such third party's intellectual property rights, Apple is not responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement or waiver of any such intellectual property infringement claim.

  • In the case of people who use the platform on any Apple device, the user guarantees that:

    1. You are not in a country that is subject to an embargo by the government of the United States of America, or that has been designated by the government of the United States of America as a “terrorist supporting” country; and

    2. He/She is not on any list of prohibited or restricted parties of the government of the United States of America.

  • By using My-Link you guarantee to comply with the terms of the agreement of your telephone or mobile data provider and not to be in violation of your service contract.

  • Apple and its affiliates are third party beneficiaries of these Terms and upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of these Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against you as a third-party beneficiary of these Terms.

13.2. Notice about Google Play.

By downloading the Google Play Platform (or its successors) operated by Google, Inc. or one of its affiliates ("Google"), you specifically acknowledge and agree that:

  • The Google Play Terms of Services and the Google Play Business and Program Policies or any other terms that Google designates as default end user license terms for Google Play, (all of which are collectively referred to as the "Google Play Terms"); and

  • The other terms and conditions of these Terms, the Google Play Terms will apply with respect to your use of the Platform that you download from Google Play;

  • You hereby acknowledge that Google has no liability or obligation relating to the performance or non-performance by My-Link or you under these Terms or the Google Play Terms.

13.3. Notice about other Social Networks and Platforms.

By using our application, our Users agree to be bounded to the Terms of Service and/or Data Policy and Privacy, of the Platforms and Social Networks that are accessed through My-Link, such as: Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn. These Terms and/or Policies can be consulted in the links listed below:


Terms and Conditions: https://help.instagram.com/581066165581870

Privacy Policy: https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875


Terms and Conditions: https://twitter.com/en/tos#us

Privacy Policy: https://twitter.com/en/privacy


Terms and Conditions: https://www.youtube.com/t/terms

Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy

Google Security Settings https://myaccount.google.com/permissions?pli=1


Terms and Conditions: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/terms-of-service

Privacy Policy: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/privacy-policy-row


Terms and Conditions: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/user-agreement

Privacy Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

14. Complaints.

In the event that you wish to file a complaint about the handling of your personal or commercial information, please send us a message as soon as possible to the following e-mail address: help@my-link.com, and we will do our best to respond to your request promptly.

15. Contact.

If you have any questions, comments or requests regarding these Terms of Service, Data and Privacy Policy and Payment Policy, please contact us by sending an email to: help@my-link.com.